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www.lisagoe.com Too many miraculous, strange, hilarious things happen to me...so its about time you all experience it with me through the ups and down of lisagoe.com

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First Day

I woke up early..okay ealier than i had before, aka 9am. I got dressed slowly, making sure every hair was where it was supposed to be and every button, fastened perfectly. I came downstairs, poured raisin bran from the plastic juice container, and grabbed the watered down milk substance called Lactaid. (Its free. i can't be picky)

As i ate my cereal I stared off into the guppy fish tank thinking "breathe, relax, you'll be great" "YOu readY" was the next thing I remember hearing and off to my first day at JCrew in the Promenade.

Once i got there i was greeted with a smile by my first manager. It was then followed by a frown. "You're not in dress code. do you have a cardigan in your car. the Cardigan is the new jacket" So upstairs I went to the sale section, scrambling to find something to wear with my so perfectly put together outfit.

After finding a jacket, which is pretty cute i must say, I shamefully walked downstairs..still with confidence, but also with a wee bit less "goe" get um gusto. I was handed over some paperwork, the new dress code, and such, and then found out my position had changed, and there was a lot more things i had to focus on.

I could feel my body curl over like an old woman. I smiled, and went my merry way, and before i knew it was time for a lunch break. I went upstairs to get my bag, and reported to the "powers that be". they checked my status, and what do you know, my sales were sky rocketing! How that happened i have no idea, but i don't mind, and I was shocked! Just as shocked as everyone else i'm sure!

During my break, I read a bit, called some people...and watched a woman i had just helped in the store get arrested for shoplifting at Sephora! I was so shocked. I can't even tell you. but its true. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN! The strange thing was she was a women who no doubt must have been in her 70's. could you imagine.

To not bore anyone with the rest of my first day, i ended it with a bang. so much of a bang, today, one of the other personal shoppers wouldn't talk to me. I must have posed a threat. oh well. What are you going to do. I'm sure in the end we'll run off like best buds, but for now..i'm still in a foreign land;)


Samantha said...

Fear not my dear, this city has seen many like us - scared, intimidated, and starting a completely new chapter in a great life. It can make or break you, true. But we have the wits to crack it! We have the support to keep us strong, and we have the tenacity to tackle it head on. Be brave. Help me to be brave. We will survive, no, flourish.

And maybe we'll see some good shows along the way.

The City Girl said...

Check out my blog, pronto! And take special notice of the "blogs that make me smile" section!!!

Mk said...

what the heck! When did you move ot LA? You never keep me in the loop. Seriously. Just to update you. . .tatsuya bought me perfume for my birthday. . . Salvador Furragamo? or something like that. its nice.. . a little girly but nice. Love you

Phil said...

I like it lisa goe. I like it a lot :)