okay..thats me eating cake;)
anyhow. this was not at camp. but it was the day before!
so seriously. I went to an all girls Jr. high camp up in Ojai. and let me tell you. it was pretty awesome.
My plan was really to go up there, play some music, come back to sb, and go back. but I decided to stay and enjoy the surroundings of Gods beauty. It was a little strange...being with 40 11-14 year olds. I kept thinking "was i really this hyper?" (those who have known me long enough are probably laughing out loud, with tears streaming down your face knowing the reality of my crazed young years)
I was honestly intimidated. They were in Jr. High but still so cool, and i was supposed to be their elder they looked up to. Strange.
I lead worship and we got right into the lessons. it was beautiful. Here we all were, young and old, listening and being convicted by the same message. Pray, eat, grow in and with Christ.
I went back to my room and took a nap, journaled, and prayed, completely humbled by this small weekend experience. It was the last morning we would all eat, and sing together. After the worship, we prayed and then the unexpected. "can you sign this cd for me please?"
"Really" I thought. "me" I am so uncool...but okay! I felt bad, as each girl would come up and I'd totally screw up their name. I'd make it up with an even longer message on the cd. WE took pictures..it was all truly bizarre...and all i could think was ...God what do you have in store next?
Its all quite silly, but i'm excited.
1 comment:
its lisa goe.
good times at camp.
i always came home from camp with majorly scabbed up knees.
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