I have vented enough vents
and opened enough windows to not want to re-live the past few days in Santa Barbara. i don't think i was even there thats how horrible it was. it was more than dominoes..it was more like a volcano where everything erupts and then trickles down until it hardens , but alas another bubbling muck appears and you are back at square one.
to sum things up it went like this (I do need to preface all this and say..indeed..although my day was bad..these were indeed "luxury problems")
*rush around. finish moving
*have a show, wait, pay bills first
*go to pay store card bills find out fraudulent charges were made
*come to find not only that, but my visa had been compromised
at this point i'm looking at stress case moving around and throwing the remainder of her, my, things in the car, no bank card, and WICKED low on gas..and oh yeah. i apparently have a show so need to get ready for that.
so i took a break. i needed to. I went on the most beautiful hike, and i just wanted to sit up there on the mountain for afew hours and breathe in the relaxation of it all..but no..keep rushing around.
next morning. same things, but this time i spent most of my time talking to people who couldn't speak a lick of english who then told me to call on monday..nice. no money, bills overdue, stress stress stress..i know it doesn't seem like it..but my head was in a vice.
I couldn't take it, so i left Santa Barbara, a little refreshed but mostly stressed. I left when the sun was setting and enjoyed driving The 1. I called some friends and enjoyed some great and sometimes obscure music, and just decided to look forward to the rest of the evening.
My friend Ernie Halter had a show at Hotel Cafe, so i joyfully enjoyed an evening listening to him and Tony Lucca ( former Mickey mouse club member). It was a great show, and my friends from Canada, including the fabulous singer songwriter canadian "mod" extraordinaire Laurel. We all had a fabulous time enjoying the music as well as my good friend Samantha's birthday.
Ernie had mentioned maybe we all hang out later after the show, but being as it was daylight savings, we held off on going to the local club, 86 (awesome old speakeasy..my favorite). Instead, Ernie introduced me to Joey Degraw..who yes, is Gavin Degraw's brohawn...who in the end..although hanging out could have been fun, and he did ask me for my myspace...??? i was glad to retreat home.
so the moral of the story is...even if you are having a no good very bad day...take the time to do something you love. you never know when the no good very bad day will end (as they sometimes take more than a day)
About Me

- Lisa Goe
- www.lisagoe.com Too many miraculous, strange, hilarious things happen to me...so its about time you all experience it with me through the ups and down of lisagoe.com
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dear lisa. i'm sorry about your no good very bad day...but im glad to hear it had at least a somewhat happy ending :)
you're my favorite californian. ha
there. i commented. now its your turn, ya heard!?
ps. still love that picture of you (below)..such a rockstar. :)
i dont think my days are EVER that full.
i like relaxing way too much.
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