I'm still here
in la
I"m still figuring it out, but i'm actualy enjoying it. No, i'm not giggles and smiles like i am usually, but instead i'm furrowed in the brow and doing my best to keep all complaints inside, but this one I"m about to explode on is well worth the vent.
I am really tired of people telling me how i should do this music/entertainment thing. Talk to this person, do this, be this ,quite this, join this. I don't understand how people feel they have the right to tell me how i should plan my life. its worse than your parents telling you how to live your life...well..kinda. My parents never imposed that much as to what and where i should go, what i should do,etc. In college my mom encouraged me to be single while my other friends were getting packages and phone calls from their parents asking and encouraging the "ring before spring."
I must say i'm happy my life wasn't pressured with do's and don'ts (other than the obvious things that parents have to say (don't do drugs, have sex, and my parents would just say wear earplugs...i was created because of rock n' roll..people please)
I love when people who don't even know me say things like "you just need to make yourself known, and put yourself out there".. OH yeah..great advice....wasn't i the one to have you meet person a, b,c..do i really need to go through the alphabet.
What brought about this bitter..anger? several things.. but i guess its just been building up, and i've been good and kept my mouth shut, but its just really starting to bug. Its kind of like that scene in Notting Hill, when handsome dude..i can't remember his name, but that guy, brings Julia Roberts with him to his sister's birthday and the brother in law doesn't realize Julia is THE Julia, and when he does its priceless.
I understand some people want to help, and some people just want to be name droppers and sound real cool, but I am going to do it my way. the only way I know how. and that is to be patient , have faith, and fall into strange and mysterious situations that in the end always work out.
Not to say i'm not a wee scared about what i'm doing here. i'm living in my grandparents house, i'm 25 and I am just clueless. am i going to live here for a year like everyone else and just wait. how do i get more proactive and what is "putting my best foot forward " when i don't know my best yet. or am i in it? so many questions..these are the answers i want k. NOt "why aren't you on the radio yet? well this is what you should do. (okay person who has no clue what and how this business is run) uff..
Rockstar story of the day:
After doing a demo track for the infamous Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana, I Went to hotel cafe to enjoy some music..and spoke to Joss Stone..of course.. i didn't recognize who it was. i hid after she got off stage after her guest performance.
About Me

- Lisa Goe
- www.lisagoe.com Too many miraculous, strange, hilarious things happen to me...so its about time you all experience it with me through the ups and down of lisagoe.com
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Sometimes, I like to imagine that the world of music entertainment should be this free-love place where artists live on ramin noodles and positive vibes from the crowd, knowing instinctively that what their doing serves an important function in society, the same as fixing flat tires, in this case providing hope and encouragement on the road of life we all travel. And that sense is enought to labor throught the raw realites of the brick and morter world.
Also feeling that artists that don't embody this mentality are having the opposite effect by spreading discontentment, a peaches and cream world view or the flat out worship of youth. IT causes people to feel self concious about their own non-picture perfect life, dysfuncial family, or flabby tummy. Who's life is picture perfect?
I don't understand the need to be on the top of the industry. My theory is, make good music and people will catch on. But then again, I've never written a song in my life. Nor performed. Nor subjected myself to that kinda criticism.
And I also feel the need for popular validation wether it writing or a work project. It feels good to hear my work recieved with enthusism.
My advice, once again, not that your asking... don't get so lost in the forest of music entertainment industry in LA that you lose sight of the little people. Because little people buy records, and while there is a massive market of people that want the quick fix of newness and popular imagry. There is a more solid market of people who are hungry for depth. And if you serve that market with integrity by providing quality stuff... the rest of the rable of pop culture will catch on and even if they don't, who cares right?
Bottom line, I like your music, and the one other person who I've showed your music to, Harley, likes your music too. And as music critic, I have a very high esteem for myself. And I have a high opinion for harley's taste too. And I'm sure you have a throng of people like us who want you to keep searching, keep writing and keep singing so that we all have somthing to accompany us on the road of life.
You still haven't told me where I can get your album? That way I don't have to rely on the sporaticness of my internet connection, depending on myspace to listen.
hahah! that was a victory speech! you actually can download for free on myspace. just click on the song you want to download, and it will load on to your computer. other than that. you've got to come to a show! there is also one in your package..which you will have to wait for april to get . Thanks for the victory speech. i needed that.
im in orange county
OMG! Hannah Montana! AAAAA!!!
That's my impersonation of the students I work with. They didn't know Joss Stone either. :)
Keep the faith, dearest! You know you have to dance, or fade out - those are the only choices.
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