My time in Maui was definitely a time of reflection. I f I were to tell the full story some would agree, some would be agrressive, and some may be ashamed. Not to sound negative or devilish, but for now, what was in Maui, stays in Maui. I don’t think i’ve had fully enough time to reflect.
To share the good parts, i spent countless hours in the sun “working”, met some pretty amazing friends, and in the end definitely had my frown turn upside down. The stress of work, finances ,and expectation slowly melted away, and i realized from now on, if i’m going to take a vacation, i better make it two weeks.
To let you in on why I am sitting in Honolulu eating corporate america (pizza hut and starbucks..the plane food is way more, and not half as fatty delicious..heheheh), I’ll begin by saying, if you have a flight canceled, get what you need to get done and head on back to the beach! Time’s a waistin!
I arrived in OGG airport with time to spare. As i reached the check in counter I asked my bags to be taken all the way to Los Angeles so i didn’t have to check in all over again. With a puzzled face, the lady looked at me and said, “I”m sorry your flight was cancelled.” Smiled her Hawaiian smile, and started working on something else. Shocked by how happy go lucky she was, I said “what do i do!”. “Go to ATA (smile)”
I gruntled my way over to the desk (thankfully right next door) and asked the assistant what i Should do. “ i’m sorry i just work here i don’t know what you should do.” ?????? what! what do you mean!!!!! How could someone work and not know what to do! He told me it was due to weather conditions which was a total flop because it was sunny in Los Angeles. He then told me if I waited till 12:30 i could talk to someone. GReat! too bad my connecting flight was leaving at 12:30.
I didn’t know what to do. Stay in Maui, or be left in God knows where.
I went. as i got on the plane, i could just feel my tear ducts water up. I was so exhausted, frustrated, and alone....but who cares! I am always up for an adventure, but i just couldn’t handle the idea of an adventure right now.
I sat in my seat and was pleasently surprised when my seat partner began talking to me. Normally i’m so exhausted i don’t want to talk to a soul. Shut upt and let me sleep! But I allowed it. Turns out he works for golf tournaments. PGA tour? i’m sure some of you “golfies” know what that is. i apologize for my ignorance in advance.
We talked for the 30 minute ride over, and he said something that opened my ears “ I came over here. I sat down and heard the good Lord say, you better take care this child. I said ‘OH Lord i will! I will!’ “ I laughed a bit, and knew it was not coincidence he had said this. God was watching. He was pursuing. He knew what was up.
Getting off the plane was the actual beginning of my “work out”. AS i got off the plane I was directed toward ATA. As I got to the terminal, the lady at the kiosk said i needed to go downstairs. Problem: my bags were still in baggage claim with Hawaiian, which was 6 terminals the other way.
I decided to get my bags, and as I walked down i saw my new friend and he let me know it was taking them awhile to get the bags off. So back another 6 terminals to see what to do. maybe i could still get a flight out. Maybe it was only delayed.
I trecked back to Terminal 6 to talk to ATA where i waited 30 minutes to find out some great news. Iwould have a flight out the next morning, my hotel would be taken care of, food would be taken care of, and did I mention...a free roundtrip flight! where am I going to go!!!!!
Excited by the news but still exhausted by everything else, I got my paper with all the perks. The man at the Kiosk then let me know i had 10 minutes to reach the shuttle that would take me to the hotel. 10 minutes! I told the man, that i had still left all my bags at hawaiian. With a HUGE sigh, he let me know i could get my bags and he would find me a taxi.
Once i got to the hotel, i was just about ready to pass out, when i looked out across the lanai, and saw the sun still high but ready to descend. I threw on a bathing suit, grabbed some writing material, and made my way down to the beach.
Being on the sand was a lot different then from my birds eye view. there were people everywhere! i mean EVERYwhere. I put down my towel, my sorang, and dove into the water. I was enjoying myself relaxed in the crystal blue water when “ go go go. C’mon you can do it” i looked towards shore and 30 some odd people were swimming towards me full speed! I swam as fast i could out of the way and made my way towards some rocks.
Slowly making my way back to shore, the waves pushing me forward, i scraped my toe on a rock. Bleeding, i confidently walked through the water, back to my beach towel. I laid there for a while, trying to figure out whether or now i should go shipping or sit in my room. I decided to sit in my room.
i got up to the room and noticed the sun was getting ready to set. Grabbed my guitar and played to my hearts content. I had a private show, and even had some applause:) hehehe..okay not really , but that would have been cool. i did play though.
I ended the evening with dinner with a friend from the North Shore. In the end, it was a great trip, and i'll be going out again. I can already feel the stresses of every day life entering my mind. I think its already time for a vacation. bon voyage!

this was my room:)


my poor toe. can you see the bandaid?

the sunset:)
wow. coming from someone who has a million photographer friends, that really meant a lot. you just made my day lisa goe.
glad you had a memorable romp in hawaii! hope you came away form the trip with some pearl of knew found wisdom.
Hmm. A free round trip ticket? I hear Rochester, New York is nice: there's this girl I know who lives there and she has a really comfortable air mattress and a cute dog at her house. I mean, it's not Hawaii, but you've already been there, right? :) Glad to see you're still dancing & not fading out.
Dude! i have no idea how to respond to you! Bethany! omg! hi! NY hey? well funny thing is i was considering the NY. wah! i have like 5 seconds to decide! I have this silly little card i have on my desk, empty waiting to have ink on it, so i can send it to you! miss your faces!
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