i’m looking back curious as to how my mind has altered into an abyss of ...an abyss of .....umm....well.. blah. There are times I have felt challenged by my surroundings to the point where beautiful tragedies have released art so powerful and persuasive, no hallucinative drug could provide an inkling of clarity that these pains have allowed me to see...but do i inflict more tragedy, more drama into my life? oh no..no, i’d rather not fuss with such trivial things as she said he said we said, did, could no. I won’t do it!
I won’t be made to feel crazy or a lunatic, drastic, or confused, but I will say i will always be a diva, a character true to my nature. that won’t change, and i’m not going to deny it. i’m lisagoe.com. and without boast, i can’t deny or be over dramatic about the drama of lisa goe.
I complain, i whine, i cry..even when there are things more important to be upset about. for example. a recent unfulfilled relationship. he left with yet another girl in his hand..i thought i was holding his hand, but alas it was just a knock off. and yet i cry more and can’t get sleep over a haircut that really isn’t all too bad..just needs some more edge. when did i get so shallow. ..but then again is it shallow? or is it a chapter of some tragedy that has been over studied to the point of boredom and without investment. without manifestation. just blah.
not to say i’m blah..no no no. but i wont’ lie. at times i feel uninteresting or uninterested. silent. unaware, unawake unnecessary.
all this as an introduction to my new song...Big. which is really just a realization of how small we really are..but still SO important;)
Its funny how
you can think the world
is out to get you
Its funny how
your family is sweet
but the ones to make you angry the most
Its funny how
we think we are the best
but the better just went and beat us up
its funny how you
think and breathe
the world
but your really much deeper
How does one
think they know
how the universe is turning
How does one
think they own
whatever's tangible and feeling
so .oh oh oh. BIG.
when we’re really quite small
Its funny how
you can look into a mirror
and walk the other direction
its funny how
the mirror you just walked in
was someone else’s reflection
Its funny how
you can be told a lie
and receive it truly
its funny how
you think you are the judge
when the judge is watching
(not unimportant ,just a little small,
like mary’s tiled pupil inside a wall
oh oh oh. importantly small but we can’t rush to why
oh oh oh , oh oh. we’re really quite small.
About Me

- Lisa Goe
- www.lisagoe.com Too many miraculous, strange, hilarious things happen to me...so its about time you all experience it with me through the ups and down of lisagoe.com
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