I'm currently in miami florida right now, and i must say my brain is killing me.
I had a shipment come in yesterday of new merchandise but counting it and organizing it was for some reason a task. I knew i was going to get it done, however my brain was stuck on something. i don't know what. but it was.
The day went by slowly and because of Katy's early set we did not have too many people come to the tent. we packed up early and i headed to the bus. As i walked past the gates with my vip pass, i paused and realized that this small piece of paper around my neck was what valued me at that moment. i could do whatever i wanted. but i didn't now what to do.
It seems lately i have no idea how to make my own decisions..granted of course i do, but for example i could have continued on the tour rather than come to miami, and for a loss of what to do i came to miami....and i think it was a good decision. its strange. i just feel like i'm constantly second guessing myself, when i have the freedom to go and be free and not be tied down to piece of paper cased with plastic that tells me where i can and can't go.
Perhaps i'm not making sense, but i'm just going off feelings right now. I just feel constrained and strange. I could say i miss home, but here's the truth...i don't. Im miss faces and i miss the familiar touch of guitar strings under my fingers, but i'm loving the fact i wake up and i'm in a different city working.
Disappointments to this job, there is no room for any type of relationship. i can barely call my mom. I'm not saying its not possible I'm just saying even the people i meet that i may have an interest in, there would just be no way. Its too complicated. It explains why so many musicians on the road are so flighty. Sure the ideal would be to be with one and only one person, but the temptation is much more difficult and those who succeed, i give them A+++..and thank God i DO know a few.
I'm so just jibber jabbering now, but why not. if you see this call me because i don't even have a working phone. i can receive calls i just can't dial out.
Enjoy a few more pictures. I hope this finds you well:)
All squished in an elevator on our way up to our VIP Stay at Planet HOllywood. what!
Awesome free steak dinner at Strip House! Brother came. yay!!
Me and Mr. Markus Molinari
We had to make an appearance at some club that supposedly some of the girls from the hills were going to be at..but we didn't see them, and instead danced on the couches and hung out with a bachelorette party...meh
Making the 0 of 303 Nat, Matt Beckley, and Sean Foreman. Hardcore.
Tessa, Austin, and I in our bright pink tent. we are hard workers;)
Perfect. split self portraits. Bottle o Jameson and a cup o' noodles, What a delight. haha